Wednesday 2 April 2014

Introduction to Automobile


An Automobile or simply a Car is a motored 
The first automobile ever
The Benz patent Motorwagen
chariot which carries its own engine instead of horses. The word "car" is considered to be derived from Middle English word "cart". But actually it comes from a Gaulish word ("karros") meaning a chariot.
And automobile is a French Word.

The First car was the "Benz patent motorwagen" made in 1886 by Karl Benz.

Ever since the birth year of automobiles
there had been enormous technological advancements in the field of automobiles.
Initially they were quite a lot expensive
Ford Model T 1908
but the Ford Model T  made in 1908 is generally regarded  as the first affordable automobile, the 
car that opened travel to the common middle-class American; some of this was because of Ford's efficient fabrication,
including assembly line production instead of individual hand crafting. The Ford Model 
T with a front-mounted 177-cubic-inch (2.9 L) inline four-cylinder engine,producing 20 hp (15 kW), for a top speed of 
40-45 mph (64–72 km/h) was named the world's most influential 
car of the 20th century.

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